Folli Follie in China

Folli Follie creative to create a non - copy of the tide brand family concept,to break the shackles of the restrictions and fetters, the pursuit of a more personalized modern trend.

Folli Follie用创意打造不可复制的潮牌家庭概念,打破条条框框的束缚,追求更具个性的现代潮流趋势。


the humanity is a how extraordinary masterpiece! How noble rationality! How great strength! How exquisite measuring appliance! How elegant action! Looks like an angel in the motion! Looks like a deity In the wisdom! Universe essence! The myriad things spirit is long!

Folli Follie, from the light wave of luxury brand, Seiko secret agents, high-quality, reasonably priced high price, strong style of the original design to meet the pursuit of life fashion consumer groups demand.

Folli Follie,来自国际的轻奢潮牌,以精工细作高品质、价位合理的高性价比、风格强烈的原创设计,满足追求时尚生活的消费族群的需求。

Folli follie "ecological" set shop: juvenile, in children, children (take out), activities for children, parent-child loaded, maternity, infant series, bags, glasses, shoes, baby stroller, crib, children at home, the home relates to more than 5000 pieces of goods, Folli follie for all-round development, true to the children as a starting point for the design, respect and give play to the child's nature, let them grow up in a free and happy atmosphere, their clothes and life to bring more quality and choice.

Folli Follie家•生态”孕婴童生活品牌集合店有:有少年装、中大童、小童(外出服)、儿童生活用品、亲子装、孕妇装、婴装系列、箱包、眼镜、鞋帽、童车、童床、儿童家居、家纺等涉及5000多个小品类商品。Folli Follie面向全面发展,真正以儿童为设计出发点,尊重并发挥孩子的天性,让他们在自由、欢乐的氛围下成长,为他们的穿衣和生活带去更多的品质和选择。

Folli Follie,to break the inherent thinking, inspired by the fruit art inspired creative, to create a "full fashion concept" attitude to life, through the design to show the personality, to children's wear a series of new artistic sense, so that the dress has a richer and more three-dimensional, full of tension.

Folli Follie,打破固有思维,籍由水果艺术激发创意,塑造一个“完全时尚理念”的生活态度,通过设计来展现个性,给孕婴童产品风格增全新的艺术感,让产品有了更丰富更立体、充满张力的表达。

Folli Follie将通过设计,为孩子提供更多的可能性。

Folli Follie will provide more possibilities for children through design.

Vibrant Orange 活力橙——果断勇敢型

Cool Strawberry抗压莓——冷静理智型

Willed Banana 高冷蕉——宽容乐观型

Blithe Pear 无忧梨——纯真善良型

Mind-read Grape 读心提——细心忠诚型

Witty Blueberry 睿智莓——热情助人型

Caprice peach任性桃——谦卑阔达型

FOLLI FOLLIE to create a new driving force of China's children's fashion tide brand, the international trend of cultural elements to the Chinese market. Recommend to the Chinese consumers from foreign excellent trend of culture, through the interaction of culture, and create a trend of fashion attitude and taste of life.

在这个跟风大于原创的年代,Folli Follie以态度观望世界,放大孩子内心的纯粹与美好,打破固有的思维定势,籍由不同地域的艺术激发创意,通过设计传播一种的不甘平庸、个性自我的潮牌腔调。

Folli Follie著力打造中国儿童时尚潮牌生活新动力,将国际化的潮流文化生活元素推向中国市场。向中国消费者推荐来自于国外的优秀潮流文化,通过文化的互动,营造潮流时尚态度及生活品味。

The world is very popular International is the world. Also China We have the international light wave of luxury brand On the market more brand influence More market appeal So we chose follifollie

因为世界流行很同步,所以国际的就是世界的,如果我们拥有世界大品牌,我们在市场上就更具品牌影响力,更具市场号召力,所以我们选择了Folli Follie

Folli Follie light wave of luxury brand, in more than 20 countries around the world by more than 500 sales outlets transfer home - Eco fashion for people. FolliFollie's concept is to a reasonable price, promote the "home and ecological" fashion concept of high quality brand, to meet the modern fashion family needs.

FOLLI FOLLIE -----轻奢潮牌•家生态元素传递者。FolliFollie轻奢潮牌,在全世界20多个国家通过500多家销售 网点为人们传递家•生态时尚。FolliFollie的理念是以合理的价位,倡导“家•生态”时尚理念的高品质品牌,来满足现代的时尚家庭需求。

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